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Leo Schumaker’s “Bluesland” interview

Leo Schumaker’s “Bluesland” music podcast radio show May 9, 2024

Brian and Mark had a chance to talk with Leo Schumaker for his Bluesland podcast on May 9th. Leo is based in Seattle and regularly broadcasts about all things Blues. It was a wonderful chance to talk with Leo about Super Chikan and the documentary A Life in Blues before releasing the film at The Rio Theatre in Vancouver on May 17, followed by a short tour of British Columbia and Washington State. Being able to tour the film together with performances from Super Chikan was such a treat, so chatting with Leo was a great way to start out. Our interview starts at about the 32 minute mark, but the whole podcast is worth a listen!

A big thanks to Leo for having us on his show and a big shout out to his podcast for continuing to make the Blues available to so many people!